
Showing posts with the label Adventure

Shameless self promotion

I'm still not making the kind of bank I need to. I mostly blame you. You clearly aren't buying enough books, I shouldn't need to do this, I should be selling a hundred copies a month. It's patently ridiculous that I should have to stoop to sales. Yech. But here we are. Click the links below, or the cover art to BUY  MY BOOKS and please review them on Amazon and Goodreads, reviews from users like you matter more than you know, and I would love to hear what you think. Happy New Year! My latest book, an anthology of science fiction and adventure stories is available  HERE And the Anahita Chronicles are, as ever, available  HERE  (Book I), HERE  (Book II), and HERE  (Book III) respectively. 

Release Announcement

HOMO SUPERIOR And Collected Works Is now available Click HERE to purchase on the Create-Space store And click HERE to find it directly on Amazon An eclectic collection of novellas and short fiction from Samuel Blondahl, author of The Anahita Chronicles.  Includes the novellas:: HOMO SUPERIOR THE DARK FOREVER NOBODY'S HERO The screenplay:: THE MARTIAN MURDERS And the short stories: Dirge of the Hummingbird Prince The Golden Peacock of Dambulla Devil's Lantern The Paper Forest Un Opera Per Miranda Homo Superior is an adventure love story that begins with the creation of universe and ends in the apocalypse. This is a journey into the depths of Hades and onto the heights of Olympus. The Dark Forever is a chilling deep space horror story inspired by The Lord of the Flies and Alien. Nobody's Hero is a fun, fast paced, everyman turned superhero story. The Martian Murders is a classic Science Fiction screenpl...