
Showing posts with the label science fiction

Shameless self promotion

I'm still not making the kind of bank I need to. I mostly blame you. You clearly aren't buying enough books, I shouldn't need to do this, I should be selling a hundred copies a month. It's patently ridiculous that I should have to stoop to sales. Yech. But here we are. Click the links below, or the cover art to BUY  MY BOOKS and please review them on Amazon and Goodreads, reviews from users like you matter more than you know, and I would love to hear what you think. Happy New Year! My latest book, an anthology of science fiction and adventure stories is available  HERE And the Anahita Chronicles are, as ever, available  HERE  (Book I), HERE  (Book II), and HERE  (Book III) respectively. 

The Anahita Chronicles

The Anahita Chronicles are now officially re-released and available on Amazon in paperback and kindle! Make sure you get the new edition sold by Amazon and myself, direct links are below, just click on the header or cover for paperback, kindle is listed underneath! These editions are self published and contain new, cleaner editing and better formatting than was previously available. The cover art is self designed and produced, with more attractive title layouts than previous editions. The story content remains unaltered, but the book is vastly improved with the new edit. I hope you enjoy and review freely. Thank you for reading! BOOK I BOOK II BOOK III BOOK I - KINDLE BOOK II - KINDLE BOOK III - KINDLE BOOK I SYNOPSIS The crew of the new star ship Mercury prepare for a short journey to Mars, both to test a miraculous new engine, and to serve in an assistance capacity to the first landing team to set foot on the red planet.  Sabotage and mutiny ...

Andromedae Appendix and dedication

This is the afterword to Book III of The Anahita Chronicles, Andromedae. I am re-releasing the series soon, and I had to re-type this, as I did it inspired me all over again. I wanted to post it here just to shout it from the rooftops. Earth in the dark Andromedae was difficult to write. Not because I didn't have a story to tell, and not because of the characters, who I love and who flow out of my fingertips easily, but because of the subject matter. Weapons of mass destruction are a reality in our world, and the will to use them is present. Our species is capable of terrible things. So upon our creation of a weapon capable of destroying planets, what would the response of an alien species be? If they have paid any attention to us, they would understand that we simply cannot be trusted with that power.   I have always been an optimist, and I am still, even in these troubled times (I re-type this in 2017). I believe in our potential and the inherent compassion w...


You may have noticed that I'm not blogging a whole lot recently. I took down the old blog because I wanted to streamline the content and make it more focused on my work and less on the eclectic thought rambling that it had become. I'm still very proud of The Anahita Chronicles, at the moment I am re-editing them from the original first draft with plans to re-release the entire trilogy after April of this year when the rights return to me. On that note, if you want a first edition, better get your copies now. The new editions will have new cover art and new forwards and afterwords and all that jazz. The content will be essentially the same, with no significant story alterations. As it is next to impossible to sell a book once it has been published without much financial success, I will be self-publishing that series for the immediate future. I will certainly consider serious offers from publishers however. The reviews were wonderful (4+ stars Amazon & Goodreads) and sh...

I'm baaaaack..

Salutations. I am Samuel Blondahl, author, artist, certifiable madman, and recently, film-maker. I have taken down my old blog and here you find yourself on my brand spanking new blog. If you are unfamiliar with my work, I write books! Mostly Science Fiction, but I wander. My published work is  The Anahita Chronicles. The Anahita Chronicles are available now on  A re-release is planned for next April, the covers shown below are not yet available. I have several as yet unpublished manuscripts that I hope will be available before long, in the genres of science fiction, detective fiction, and fantasy. The covers above are my artwork. I attended art school, focused on digital painting and 3D modelling, both art forms are blended for these covers (They may not be final designs). If you would like to see some more of my artwork, please head on over to my official website at :    If you are a returning visitor,...